- Version v4.7.02
- Download 1295
- File Size 3.20 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 22, 2023
- Last Updated January 25, 2023
xCluster-Mac Manual
User manual for the Mac version of xCluster.
xCluster is a visual display of dx cluster activity. DX spots are received via telnet or web services and displayed on a map of the world. You can filter the spots by call sign or band Spots are created using the latitude and longitude of the dx station and spotter. The program has a call parsing component to determine the country for each call but can use QRZ.com for more accurate location data. Lookup priority is QRZ.com with the the call parser as a backup.
Note: You must have a QRZ.com XML subscription to use that QRZ lookups.