xCluster 2.1.2
xCluster has been updated and enhanced. I have added many new features and performance enhancements. For an overview see the original post introducing xCluster for the Mac. Please see the manual on the downloaded dmg file for all of the update details.
Release Notes;
- Performance and stability bug fixes.
- Eliminated flashing when spots are updated.
- New features added.
- Gui redesign.
New features:
- Clicking on a spot in the list will set a light blue line under the line so you can watch it.
- Enhanced the spots on the map to show the last 15 spots for that call.
- Added tab for status messages and removed status display at bottom of list.
- Refined dark mode colors.
- Added highlighting of a row for call, country or frequency.
- Added VHF band filter for frequencies above 6 meters.
- Added free form cluster command input.

Cool app, but:
1. Download button does not match version referenced in e-mail
2. It won’t install for me. Does nothing but blink when I click it.
Thanks. Yeah, I guess I must have felt .5 is better than .2 The correct version is now listed in the text.
At what point does it not work, does the .dmg file mount and can you drag it to your Applications folder? Assuming that works what happens if you right (control) click and say “Open”? Is that whereat fails? Are you running Mac os Monterey?
Yes, I’m using Monterey 12.5.
It does not mount the .dmg file. When you double click on the file in the Downloads folder, the little icon at the left side of the entry flashes and that’s it.
The same happens if I right click on the .dmg file. The little icon to the left of the name flashes and that’s it.
BTW, I have downloaded it 5 times, just to assure there was no problem with the download. All of the downloaded files act the same.
I don’t discount that the latest update could have changed permissions, so I checked in Settings and I have allowed all files to be downloaded.
I found this article that may apply https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253681290
A ways down in the post it mentions the dmg file may have been created on an older version of mac os, which it was. I created a new dmg with diskutil and have replaced the current one. Please download the dmg file again and try it.
I downloaded the new file. Noticed that it’s 5MB larger.
Still exactly the same thing happens when I try to open it.
It’s a little larger as I was starting to run out of space on the original dmg file.
Do you feel comfortable using Terminal? I found this on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/qlmuse/cant_open_dmg_files/ The osxdaily link gives the instructions.
Try opening Terminal and mounting (opening) the DMG from there.
Terminal apps will usually be much more verbose in their output than just UI modals.
In fact, looking at the man page for hdiutil, it may be exactly what you need to figure this out:
hdiutil – manipulate disk images (attach, verify, create, etc)
hdiutil verb [options]
hdiutil uses the DiskImages framework to manipulate disk
images. Common verbs include attach, detach, verify, create,
convert, and compact.
The following option descriptions apply to all verbs:
-verbose be verbose: produce extra progress output and error
diagnostics. This option can help the user decipher
why a particular operation failed. At a minimum, the
probing of any specified images will be detailed.
-quiet close stdout and stderr, leaving only hdiutil’s exit
status to indicate success or failure. No /dev
entries or mount points will be printed. -debug and
-verbose disable -quiet.
-debug be very verbose. This option is good if a large
amount of progress information is needed. As of Mac
OS X 10.6, -debug enables -verbose.
So, try something like this:
hdiutil attach -debug /path/to/diskimage.dmg
hdiutil attach -verbose /path/to/diskimage.dmg
You can also run
man hdiutil
to see usage and all available options.
I ran
hdiutil attach -debug /Users/admin/Desktop/xCluster-6.dmg
My goodness the amount of output!
I’m not familiar with reading debug output, but this is the final lines:
DIHLDiskImageAttach() returned 35
hdiutil: attach failed – Resource temporarily unavailable
admin@Macintosh ~ %
If you want to see the complete debug output, I can send it to you.